Episode #75 - 'Avatar: The Last Airbender' - 1x19, 1x20 - Moon Problems

Published: Sept. 28, 2014, 6 p.m.


\\nReWatchable is back for Avatar: The Last Airbender season 1, episodes 19 and 20, "The Siege of the North," parts 1 and 2.
Superfans: Donya, Mitchel and Michal. Newbies: Brittany.
\\nAvatar: The Last Airbender season 1, episode 19, \\u201cThe Siege of the North, Part 1\\u201d:
\\n-How do we feel about Yue and Sokka?
\\n-Han is a douche.
\\n-Can you marry the moon?
\\n-Sokka\\u2019s snow gives us feels.
\\n-Iroh has perspective, but Zhao is crazycakes.
\\n-Octopi, man.
\\n-It\\u2019s tough to watch Aang struggle against the Fire Nation.
\\n-Mitch: The Netflix Avatar.
\\n-\\u201cIs there wifi on this flying bison?\\u201d
\\n-Iroh and Zuko give us ALL THE FEELS.
\\n-What was Iroh doing in the Spirit World?
\\n-Katara verseu Zuko! It\\u2019s a very different kind of fight.
\\n-For some reason we mention the movie... calm down, Donya.
\\n-Favorite scenes and lines.
\\nAvatar: The Last Airbender season 1, episode 20, \\u201cThe Siege of the North, Part 2":

-Donya shook her TV.
\\n-Koh the Face Stealer!!!
\\n-Do you die if your face is stolen?
\\n-We want to know more about that stolen-faced Avatar.
\\n-\\u201cThe Moonslayer\\u201d is like a terrible villain name.
\\n-It\\u2019s satisfying to see a bad guy go through with his threat.
\\n-How to be a Villain, by Admiral Zhao
\\n-Obligatory Dragon Ball Z reference
\\n-Aang is pretty crazy as Koizilla, but it doesn\\u2019t work for everyone
\\n-Is it a titan ex machina?
\\n-How much does this story take away from real-life conflicts and villains?
\\n-We get a little deep for a while.
\\n-Don\\u2019t store swords underneath your mattress.
\\n-More Harry Potter parallels.
\\n-Zuko has a sister... and she looks badass.
\\n-Brittany has predictions for the future.
\\n-Favorite scenes and lines.
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