Episode #70 - 'Avatar: The Last Airbender' - 1x09, 1x10 - Grand Theft Avatar

Published: Aug. 24, 2014, 6 p.m.


\\nReWatchable is back for Avatar: The Last Airbender season 1, episode 9, "The Waterbending Scroll," and episode 10, \\u201cJet.\\u201d
Superfans: Donya, Michal, and Mitch. Newbies: Karen.
\\nAvatar: The Last Airbender season 1, episode 9, \\u201cThe Waterbending Scroll\\u201d:
\\n-Karen and Donya have a public falling out.
\\n-Michal and Mitchel have lots of feelings about The Legend of Korra.
\\n-Is it believable that Aang is so good at waterbending?
\\n-Was Katara right in stealing the scroll from the pirates?
\\n-Do we like that the show can be a little morally ambiguous?
\\n-Is Katara too open about her abilities?
\\n-What did we think of the pirates?
\\n-Why is there so much sexual tension between Zuko and Katara?
\\n-We start talking about shipping and get a bit off track...
\\n-Then we talk about Appa!
\\n-Favorite scenes.
\\n-Favorite lines.
\\nAvatar: The Last Airbender season 1, episode 10, \\u201cJet\\u201d:
\\n-Do we believe Jet\'s backstory?
\\n-How do we feel about him as a leader?
\\n-Why have people latched onto these Lost Boys so much?
\\n-Do we ship Jet and Katara?
\\n-Are the romantic aspects of the show that important?
\\n-Sokka really got to shine in this episode.
\\n-Aang, on the other hand, took a bit of a back seat.
\\n-Favorite scenes.
\\n-Favorite lines.
\\nContact us!

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