Episode #42 - Veronica Mars 307, 308 Egg Sandwich Problems

Published: Feb. 26, 2014, 6 p.m.


ReWatchable is back to discuss Veronica Mars season 3, episode 7 \\u201cOf Vice and Men\\u201d and season 3, episode 8 \\u201cLord of the Pi\'s.\\u201d
-Mitch and Marama combine for the first time in a loooong time!
\\n-We\'re not fans of how the season is split up into three different parts.
\\nVeronica Mars season 3, episode 7 "Of Vice and Men"

-Was Veronica legitimate in her judgement of Keith for his relationship with Harmony?
\\n-Vinnie became very complicated in this episode! He helped out Veronica, but then was blackmailing Keith to work for Harmony\'s husband.
\\n-Is Vinnie a bad guy for working for the Fitzpatricks?
\\n-Meryl was right about her boyfriend not cheating on her. Is Veronica too jaded for her young age?
\\n-Where\'s Mac? And why didn\'t we see more of the fallout from her ending in season 2?
\\n-Does Veronica know by now that Piz likes her?
\\n-Veronica should\'ve just taken the internship with the CIA. But no, morals are more important, aren\'t they?!
\\n-Mercer will have a larger importance soon, but for now, it\'s clear that he isn\'t the rapist.
\\n-WOW. That ending scene with Logan to the rescue was intense!
\\n-All though the set up for that scene was silly.
\\n-How did they shave that one section of Kristen\'s hair?
\\n-Soooo Logan just ran away from that burning building. How upstanding of him.
\\n-Danielle teaches us about the strange concept behind "The Facebook."
\\nVeronica Mars season 3, episode 8 "Lord of the Pi\'s"

-What is with this mystery of the week (and its ending)?
\\n-It was NOT okay for Chip\'s sexual assault to be made fun of like that.
\\n-Soooo which of the rapes were faked and which weren\'t? Really? \\u2026we\'re never going to know?
\\n-Marama and Mitch go on a The Nanny tanget.
\\n-The mystery of the week was pretty complicated. Also, it tied in nicely with a member of the Sorority that we haven\'t seen in a while.
\\n-Was Logan okay in hiring that body guard? We all agree that both had decent points in their argument.
\\n-Why hasn\'t therapy been offered for all of these children/college students?
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