Episode #307: Agent Carter 2x01 - The I Don't Know Man

Published: April 30, 2019, 5:29 a.m.


The ReWatchable crew is back to discuss Agent Carter season 2, episode 1, "The Lady in the Lake."
\\nWarning: We had some technical difficulties with this episode, so please excuse any issues you might hear! Also, there are no Endgame spoilers.

\\nSuperfans: Danielle and Karen
\\nNewbies: Ariana
\\nFun Facts:
\\nKaren ate Panda Express. Ariana likes Taco Bell. Danielle bought a trench coat.
\\nAgent Carter season 2, episode 1, "The Lady in the Lake"
\\n-We get a great Magicians-style recap.
\\n-How did Ariana feel about the finale?
\\n-We get a bank heist -- with a twist!
\\n-But the clothes. Oh my God.
\\n-What\'s Jack compensating for?
\\n-Why is Dottie so obsessed with Peggy?
\\n-What do we think of the two SSR agencies?
\\n-What about their two chiefs?
\\n-Ariana wrote an essay.
\\n-Thompson and Sousa have weird relationships with Peggy.
\\n-Ariana reveals what she knew going into the show.
\\n-They\'re shooting the show very differently now.
\\n-The lady in the lake is pretty creepy.
\\n-Jarvis and Peggy have reached ultimate friend level.
\\n-We meet Bernard.
\\n-Rose is back! So is the I Don\'t Know Man.
\\n-How do we feel about Jason Wilkes?
\\n-What\'s Agent Carter compensating for?
\\n-Is it weird that most everyone likes Peggy now?
\\n-And Mr. Jarvis continues to be invaluable.
\\n-Jack is embarrassing Ariana.
\\n-The FBI puts an end to Jack\'s investigation pretty quickly.
\\n-Is Jack swayed by the FBI\'s offer?
\\n-Do we like Jack and Daniel\'s relationship?
\\n-Was Whitney Frost shady from the beginning?
\\n-Sousa has a girlfriend. :(
\\n-But would he and Peggy even make a good couple?
\\n-What about Jack?
\\n-Where\'s Angie?
\\n-Favorite Scenes
\\n-Favorite Lines
-BONUS: Season 1 Bloopers!

\\nMake sure to join the ReWatchable ReWinders group on Facebook and chat with us about all sorts of fun ReWatchable-related things!

\\nListener Feedback:
\\n-Yes, we do read the email. We\'ll try to be better about it!
\\nAriana\'s Assumptions:
\\n-Agent Carter season 2, episode 2, "A View in the Dark"
\\nContact us!
\\nEmail: rewatchable.podcast@gmail.com
\\nTwitter: @Re_Watchable
\\nTumblr: ReWatchablePodcast.Tumblr.com
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