Episode #305: Agent Carter 1x07 - Good Cop, Bad Cop, Sad Cop

Published: April 4, 2019, 7:30 p.m.


The ReWatchable crew is back to discuss Agent Carter season 1, episode 7, "SNAFU."
\\nSuperfans: Natalie, Maj, and Kristen
\\nNewbies: Ariana
\\nFun Facts:

Maj is playing The Sims again because who can resist the fun of designing your own home? Kristen just got back from Washington D.C. for Apollycon and had a blast with all the book people. Ariana is officially a fan of the jumpsuit, especially sweatsuit ones from Target that are really comfortable. Natalie has a couple of fun pajama stories to share.
\\nAgent Carter season 1, episode 7, "SNAFU"
\\n-SNAFU has more meaning than you\'d imagine. Natalie enlightens us to the WWII-esque meaning.
\\n-The Russian Doctor guy (Ivchenko) wasn\'t always all bad, as we see in the flashback, but he\'s up to no good now on Agent Carter thanks to Leviathan.
\\n-We pick up right where we left off with Peggy, as she is beginning to be interrogated by Jack (Chad Michael Murray), Sousa, and Dooley.
\\n-Sousa is the most emotional about this, and therefore has the least effective technique.
\\n-Dooley is trying the manipulation angle to get her to admit her actions in order to get the credit.
\\n-Jack is probably the most effective, but since Peggy is smarter than all of them, she doesn\'t let their tactics get her into trouble.
\\n-Sousa is the most put out by Peggy\'s betrayal, mostly because he\'s so in love with her and he thinks she\'s been shacking up with Howard Stark.
\\n-Russian guy is playing nice, but hypnotizing Dooley slowly to get him to do his bidding.
\\n-And then Jarvis busts into the scene.
\\n-Rose is a secret badass who takes her charge as gatekeeper seriously... until Jarvis name drops Howard Stark and the words "signed confession."
\\n-Jarvis\' signed confession is a total fake, but he had to come up with something when Peggy didn\'t meet him after separating to get Steve\'s blood from the Griffith.
\\n-Another \'Battle of Finow\' reference.
\\n-Dooley\'s storyline here is SO SAD. And it doesn\'t get any better. \\U0001f62d\\U0001f62d\\U0001f62d
\\n-Did you buy into Jarvis\' rescue ploy or were you sure he was full of it from the get-go?
\\n-Jarvis and Peggy see the Russian communicating in Morse code with someone outside the window and Peggy gives her full and true confession.
\\n-Would Peggy have gotten any sort of respect if she had told any of her boyfriends about her investigation earlier?
\\n-Steve\'s blood is the ultimate get-out-of-jail-free card. It proves that she is trusting them now, even if she hasn\'t trusted them with the truth before.
\\n-And that\'s only true because of her emotional attachment to Steve, his memory, and his legacy.
\\n-Dooley, Jack, and Sousa choose to believe Peggy after her confession.
\\n-Peggy\'s boyfriends admit to each other that they both believe their queen.
\\n-We spend a little time getting into their heads and figuring out why they both believe she\'s telling the truth.
\\n-We interrupt this discussion for some facts about capital punishment in the U.S.
\\n-Back to Peggy talk. Shipping. Much happier topic.
\\n-Dooley finds himself locked into the vest and he sacrifices himself to save all the rest.
\\n-It\'s okay if you cried. Maj did, too.
\\n-The last scene shows a movie theater crowd going CRAZY and killing each other after Dottie leaves a bomb emitting some sort of smoke/inhalant behind and locked the doors behind her.
\\n-Favorite Scenes
\\n-Favorite Lines
\\nMake sure to join the ReWatchable ReWinders group on Facebook and chat with us about all sorts of fun ReWatchable-related things!

\\nListener Feedback:
\\n-We loved last week\'s episode, too.
\\n-Check out a Sousa doppelganger from the first Avengers movie!
\\nAriana\'s Assumptions:
\\n-Agent Carter season 1, episode 8, "Valediction"
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