Episode #3 - 'Firefly' 1x03 'Bushwhacked'

Published: March 31, 2013, 6 p.m.


ReWatchable is here for another episode! This week we discuss the third episode of Firefly, "Bushwhacked," this time as a commentary. So, get your episode ready and watch along with us!
Don\'t forget that this podcast is spoiler-free, featuring both Firefly fans and newbies. So it\'s safe for everyone to listen!

- Selina doesn\'t like the way she opens the podcast. Never again!
\\n- Everyone is scared to watch this episode. We\'re glad we\'re watching it together!
\\n- We made a discovery when we started editing - if you\'re watching this on Netflix, make sure you move past the wild Shepherd Book that appears at the beginning to intro the episode.
\\n- Wash is wearing pajama pants. This is why we love him.
\\n- More evidence that Jayne has a thing for Kaylee.
\\n- Did the Academy force River to play the ball game?
\\n- The girls are a little focused on fashion today.
\\n- Is River super intelligent or can she really see the future?
\\n- Book is like their Jiminy Cricket, except he\'s EVIL.
\\n- Zoe and Mal are the warriors.
\\n- Kristin figured it out. River is a Horcrux.
\\n- Simon got off easy considering what he did to Jayne.
\\n- Selina does an impression of the machines talking to Kaylee...
\\n- More Harry Potter references!
\\n- Kristin realizes she does care about Jayne.
\\n- Reavers! We\'re all creeped out by them.
\\n- Is it just the war that made Mal so nonreligious, or something else?
\\n- We\'re surprised by how much horror and gore can be allowed on television.
\\n- Inara seems to be more moral than most of the other passengers.
\\n- We sympathize with the rebels.
\\n- We love the cut scenes between everyone on the Alliance ship.
\\n- Kristin is protective of Wash\'s dinosaurs.
\\n- The Alliance thinks River and Simon are under...the place mats?
\\n- Mal could have turned River and Simon over, but he didn\'t.
\\n- We\'re all just a little grossed out about the guy\'s pin-cushion face.
\\n- Immediate post-episode reaction from Kristin: It was really good!
What did YOU think about "Bushwhacked?" Do you like when we do the episodes as a commentary?
Comment on this post, email us at rewatchable.podcast@gmail.com, or tweet us @Re_Watchable.