Episode #212: Buffy the Vampire Slayer 522, Angel 222 - Inter-dimensional Booty Call

Published: May 14, 2017, 6 p.m.


Join us as we discuss Buffy the Vampire Slayer season 5, episode 22, "The Gift," and Angel season 2, episode 22, "There\'s No Place Like Plrtz Glrb."
\\nSuperfans: Karen and Maj
\\nNewbies: Danielle and Mitch
\\nFun Facts:

Karen is excited to be in Chicago visiting Danielle. Danielle is glad that she got to watch The Room with Karen (AKA the Citizen Kane of terrible movies). Maj is still enjoying all things hockey all the time, while Mitch went to a fun going away party for a friend who is going to go play Aurora in Paris, which, as we all know, is Mitch\'s dream job/life.
\\nBuffy the Vampire Slayer season 5, episode 22, "The Gift":
\\n-100 episodes of Buffy!
\\n-This was billed as a \'series\' finale since Buffy moved to UPN in season six.
\\n-"Death is your gift"
\\n-The newbies had a little trouble with the logistics of Buffy\'s blood vs. Dawn\'s blood and exactly what the gate needed to open and close.
\\n-The Superfans explain as best they can.
\\n-Lots and lots and lots of foreshadowing. Joss had this planned two years in advance. *jawdrop*
\\n-And that\'s a wrap for Ben. And Glory. Wait, Glory is Ben? (hehe)
\\n-There is always love for Anya, and this time she\'s the one coming up with all the plans.
\\n-Xander proposed to Anya AND SURVIVED! Congrats buddy, we didn\'t think you\'d make it.
\\n-Buffy\'s ultimatum to the world: No Dawn, no Slayer.
\\n-Willow is a little bit the deus ex machina here, but she\'s badass, so whatever.
\\n-All the callbacks! Maj has a list of fun things that reappeared including the Buffybot!
\\n-Tara\'s back, back, back. Back again.
\\n-Spike feels! We get a moment between Buffy and Spike as well as some significant interaction between our blonde bloodsucker and Doc on the plinth.
\\n-Buffy... she dead.
\\n-"She saved the world. A lot." Silly, but meaningful.
\\n-You can almost imagine the Scoobies deciding what needs to be on Buffy\'s tombstone.
\\n-Favorite Scenes
\\n-Favorite Lines
\\nAngel season 2, episode 22, "There\'s No Place Like Plrtz Glrb":
\\n-Lorne lives!! Beheadings are but a mere annoyance in Plrtz Glrb.
\\n-Wesley in this episode was a little darker, a little more serious.
\\n-Karen has a regular Fred-loving session. This will probably be a recurring thing.
\\n-Fred and Angel: Yay or Nay?
\\n-We do quite enjoy Cordy and the Groosalug, even if his eyes are a little creepy.
\\n-Cordy wants to keep her visions and we all find even more respect for her.
\\n-Why does Cordy have to com shuck with the Groosalug to pass on her visions when Doyle only had to kiss her?
\\n-Angel vs Groosalug.
\\n-All is well in Plrtz Glrb. After Cordy abolishes slavery.
\\n-Lorne\'s goodbye to his family is hysterical.
\\n-Angel and Lorne\'s discussion about LA and how it\'s the place for those that don\'t fit in anywhere is beautiful.
\\n-Willow is waiting for their return. Punch to the gut.
\\n-Favorite Scenes
\\n-Favorite Lines
\\nListener Feedback:
\\n-We know it\'s hard not to keep watching, but RESIST! We love that you guys are watching right along with the newbies.
\\nMitch\'s Musings/Danielle\'s Deliberations:

Surprise! We are going to watch the first two episodes of Angel back to back next week, then Buffy the following week because that is how they aired. So...
\\u2013Angel season 3, episode 1, "Hearthrob"
\\n\\u2013Angel season 3, episode 2, "That Vision Thing"
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