Episode #199 - 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' 5x10, 'Angel' 2x10 - Bye, Rilecia!

Published: Feb. 6, 2017, 6 p.m.


Join us as we discuss Buffy the Vampire Slayer season 5, episode 10, "Into the Woods" and Angel season 2, episode 10, "Reunion."
\\nSuperfans: Caitlin and Maj
\\nNewbies: Mitch and Ariana
\\nFun Facts:

Mitch now owns a giant rhino, Ariana is trying to be more purposeful with her life (and succeeding!), Maj has been relistening to ASoIaF, and Caitlin is super excited about the Super Bowl.
\\nBuffy the Vampire Slayer season 5, episode 10, "Into the Woods":
\\n-Caitlin isn\'t so into Taylor Swift.
\\n-Joyce is okay! Are we happy about this?
\\n-Jike is not a thing. Or is it?
\\n-Is Joyce actually out of the woods now?
\\n-Is anyone sad that Riley left?
\\n-Some parts of this episode made us a little uncomfortable.
\\n-But what is Riley\'s problem?
\\n-Do we understand where he\'s coming from, though?
\\n-Why didn\'t Riley actually stake Spike?
\\n-Mitch maybe doesn\'t think Tara is evil anymore.
\\n-How do we feel about Riley leaving and Joyce being okay?
\\n-Is revenge sex in the cards for Spuffy?
\\n-How did Giles know about the vampires?
\\n-There are once again conflicting feelings about Xander.
\\n-Should Buffy have punched Riley?
\\n-Favorite scenes
\\n-Favorite lines
\\nAngel season 2, episode 10, "Reunion":
\\n-Did we like Drusilla coming back?
\\n-"I could be your mummy."
\\n-Who\'s the other pancake man?
\\n-How much does Darla retain of her humanity?
\\n-Does that mean we like her more?
\\n-Does Angel love Darla? Did he ever love her?
\\n-We talk about Cordelia\'s hair. Again.
\\n-Maj wants to ask Mitch a thing.
\\n-Is Angel losing it?
\\n-Love for the Double D\'s.
\\n-Is there a darkness in Angel that has nothing to do with the demon?
\\n-What should we call kind-of-bad-Angel?
\\n-Will we pick up right where we left off next week?
\\n-Favorite scenes
\\n-Favorite lines
\\nListener Feedback:
\\n-We have some more Dawn love!
\\nAriana\'s Answers/Brittany\'s Brainstorms
\\n\\u2013Buffy the Vampire Slayer season 5, episode 11, "Triangle"
\\n\\u2013Angel season 2, episode 11, "Redefinition"
\\nContact us!
\\nEmail: rewatchable.podcast@gmail.com
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