Episode #190: Buffy the Vampire Slayer 5x01, Angel 2x01 Vampire Orgy

Published: Dec. 6, 2016, 6 p.m.


Join us as we discuss Buffy the Vampire Slayer season 5, episode 1, "Buffy vs. Dracula," and Angel season 2, episode 1, "Judgement."
\\nSuperfans: Caitlin and Karen
\\nNewbies: Danielle and Mitch
\\nFun Facts:
\\nMitch is allergic to the mold in Seattle, Caitlin is no longer super unemployed and will be teaching five classes across two separate colleges, Danielle is getting a jump start on her Oscar bait/best picture watching, and Karen is actually getting into the Christmas spirit this year but can\'t wear her fun Christmas sweater because it still has an electronic tag on it.
\\nBuffy the Vampire Slayer season 5, episode 1, "Buffy vs. Dracula":
\\n-How do we feel about this sort of gimmicky episode? Was it fun or obnoxious?
\\n-Spoiler alert, everyone pretty much enjoyed it.
\\n-Do we think Dracula will be coming back at some point, whether it\'s as just an appearance or as the big bad?
\\n-Anya is now a series regular. FINALLY.
\\n-But are they bringing Anya into the "series regular" fold in order to kill her off?
\\n-So much Veronica Mars love on this Veronica Mars ReWatchable reunion.
\\n-Was Xander the MVP of this episode even though he was brainwashed?
\\n-"Death by vampire orgy." "There are worse ways to go." You go, Giles.
\\n-Buffy\'s bedroom scene was uncomfortable, but Sarah Michelle Gellar has a way of making the scene the perfect amount of erotic.
\\n-Dracula is here to continue the discussion of what it actually means to be a Slayer and who the Slayer is in terms of light and dark.
\\n-How do ideas and flashes of "Restless" play into this episode?
\\n-Thank goodness Giles isn\'t going anywhere because we would\'ve been devastated.
\\n-Buffy demonstrates how far she\'s come by realizing she needs Giles\' help and asking for it.
\\n-Will Giles always be a necessary character moving forward? Will he still be around at the series finale or will his purpose run out beforehand?
\\n-So Buffy apparently has a sister? But HOW?! Is there some sort of DC TV "Flashpoint" event going on here?
\\n-Danielle totally thought that the new demon from Angel was Spike after he came down with some sort of sickness. So there\'s that.
\\n-Favorite scenes (AKA Riley is so useless now.)
\\n-Favorite lines
\\nAngel season 2, episode 1, "Judgement":
\\n-What significance do all of these children that have popped up have?
\\n-There have been quite a few seers popping up on Angel so far as well. Are we supposed to read into this?
\\n-Why Darla? Why now?
\\n-Does the "long game" mystery in Angel have substance? Why does it bother us so much?
\\n-Okay, so the demon karaoke bar is pretty much awesome.
\\n-The newbies are super into Green Spiky Guy. Like suuuuuuuuper into him. He\'d better come back.
\\n-The super fans are having a really hard time talking about the demon bar and Green Spiky Guy. Like, more than usual.
\\n-Is Cordelia less funny now that she\'s maturing?
\\n-So how much do we all like Gunn?
\\n-Angel can be a real boy again sometime and we see the promise of his immortality ending being so important to him.
\\n-Food talk time-out. Because of course.
\\n-Angel visits Faith in jail and it\'s actually a really touching scene.
\\n-Favorite scenes
\\n-Favorite lines (and we talk about how awesome this episode\'s credits are)
\\nListener Feedback:
\\n-A listener asks for the newbies to give a dramatic reenactment of their reactions to the revelation of Buffy having a sister.
\\n-Karen and Danielle haven\'t seen the Lost finale, so they sadly can\'t relate to a listener\'s comment.
\\nMitch\'s Musings/Danielle\\u2019s Deliberations
\\n\\u2013Buffy the Vampire Slayer season 5, episode 2, "Real Me"
\\n\\u2013Angel season 2, episode 2, "Are You Now Or Have You Ever Been"
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\\nEmail: rewatchable.podcast@gmail.com
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