Episode #146 - 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' - 2x03, 2x04 - Twinkie Time

Published: Feb. 8, 2016, 6 p.m.


Join us as we discuss Buffy the Vampire Slayer season 2, episode 3, \\u201cSchool Hard,\\u201d and episode 4, \\u201cInca Mummy Girl.\\u201d
\\nSuperfans: Selina, Caitlin
\\nNewbies: Brittany, Mitchel
\\nFun facts:

Brittany took a short internet hiatus and came back to find that it\'s seriously broken (thanks a lot Twitter), Caitlin is still stuck in bed dealing with pain, Mitch has been listening to Kidz Bop versions of his favorite songs, and Selina shares another Buffy fun fact.
\\nBuffy the Vampire Slayer season 2, episode 3, "School Hard":
\\n-Spike AKA the guy with the Draco hair
\\n-Seriously though, Spike seems more formidable than other villains
\\n-Drucilla thoughts
\\n-Angel the actor
\\n-Angel and Spike clearly have a history... to be determined later on
\\n-Joyce has a Molly Weasley moment
\\n-Should Joyce have been told about the vampire thing after everything that happened in this episode?
\\n-What does Snyder know??
\\n-Cordelia and Willow: Closet friends
\\n-Bye Bye Annoying One.
\\n-Is Spike the new big bad?
\\n-Favorite Quotes
\\n-Favorite Scenes
\\nBuffy the Vampire Slayer season 2, episode 4, "Inca Mummy Girl":
\\n-Twinkie talk
\\n-So many Slayer lore questions
\\n-Can Xander have a non-romantic storyline please?
\\n-Selina has a lot of feelings about... well, feelings
\\n-And some Scandinavian representation
\\n-Willow in her Eskimo costume!
\\n-Is it normal to unpack other people\'s luggage?
\\n-Favorite Quotes
\\n-Favorite Scenes
\\n-Yay for Buffy references IRL
\\nListener Feedback:
\\n-Stephanie tweets to share that she, too is being surprised by Buffy on her rewatch.
\\n-Leah tweets to confess her love for Jenny Calendar. We love her too.
\\n-Janeth tweets her joy in the superfans keeping spoilers a secret from the newbies.
\\n-Sarah tweets to spread the James Marsters love.
\\n-And The Bottle Episode tweets to let us know that the first thing they did in the US was buy twinkies.
\\n-JalenJade commented to give us her thoughts on our vampire age/maturity discussion from last week.
\\n-Finally, James emailed to ponder why they can take photographs of vampires (since cameras utilize mirrors) even though vampires don\'t have a reflection. Interesting.
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Email: rewatchable.podcast@gmail.com
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