Episode #13 - 'Firefly' - 1x13 'Heart of Gold'

Published: June 9, 2013, 6 p.m.


ReWatchable is here for another episode! This week we discuss the twelfth episode of Firefly, \\u201cHeart of Gold.\\u201d
\\nDon\\u2019t forget that this podcast is spoiler-free, featuring both Firefly fans and newbies. So it\\u2019s safe for everyone to listen!


-Kristen\'s first impression. Laura likes it better in the re-watch than previously.
\\nFirst thought was: Horses and hovercrafts, what a perfect example of exactly what makes Firefly... Firefly.
\\n-The foil house was...interesting.
\\n-Was it jarring hearing Inara say the word whore?
\\n-We love how everyone has their own role to do and the excel at it!
\\n-How is Burgess\' wife alright with the whole baby from a whore thing?!
\\n-Zoe wants the baby instead of Wash wanting it, we thought it\'d be backwards. But we love it!
\\n-Why did Mal sleep with Nandy?
\\n-Super awkward Inara and Mal confrontation in the morning!
\\n-Did Inara\\u2019s crying break anyone else\\u2019s heart?
\\n-Kaylee and Wash\'s plan totally failed, but we loved it.
\\n-Mandy\'s death was a great way of showing that in battle people die randomly and don\'t get last words.
\\n-Burgess was all about the baby and then he runs away without it. Hmph...
\\n-The baby\'s mother completely changed from the beginning to end of the episode. The kill shot was unexpected!
\\n-The final Inara and Mal scene... yeah. Feels!
\\n-Did we see her departure coming?
\\n-Favorite scenes and lines.
\\n-Fun facts.
\\nHow did you like "Heart of Gold"? How did you feel about Tracey by the end of the episode?

Comment on this post, email us at rewatchable.podcast@gmail.com, or tweet us @Re_Watchable, and your comment could be read on air!
\\nIf there are any technical issues, feel free to email Hypable\\u2019s podcast manager Mitch at mitch@hypable.comz