Episode #118 - 'Legend of Korra' - 2x03, 2x04 - Mean whales

Published: July 26, 2015, 6 p.m.


\\nReWatchable returns to discuss Legend of Korra season 2, episode 3, "Civil Wars: Part 1" and season 2, episode 4, "Civil Wars: Part 2."
\\nSuperfans: Natalie
\\nNewbies: Ariana and Brittany
\\nFun facts:
\\nOur desks are messy, have Disney characters, and are sometimes not our own!
\\nThe Legend of Korra season 2, episode 3, "Civil Wars: Part 1" AND The Legend of Korra season 2, episode 4, "Civil Wars: Part 2":

-What are the politics of the Northern and Southern Water Tribe?
\\n-Unalaq, why does Korra trust him?
\\n-Verrick is Howard Stark
\\n-But he is too dumb to actually plan something sinister
\\n-Naturally, Jun Li is Pepper Potts
\\n-"Oh, he\'s in the bear"
\\n-With the threat of war, Korra\'s excuse is that she does not know how to stop fights
\\n-Did anyone explain to her what an Avatar is?
\\n-We\'re just frustrated with Korra. Very frustrated. We\'re basically Mako.
\\n-Prison break! "This ain\'t no Boiling Rock" (It\'s lamer)
\\n-Trails! But everyone dies
\\n-Bolin draws you back into Korra\'s story
\\n-Asami is still the best
\\n-The girl Zuko abandoned in an alley is BACK!
\\n-Dante Basco\'s Zuko voice IRL creeps us out
\\n-Sokka is still dead
\\n-What\'s with the portals though?
\\n-Hot Topic betrothal necklaces
\\n-Eska, a woman scorned, has more power than Korra in her spirit mode
\\n-Moment for Lin
\\nNow for the TRULY important stuff: Aang kids!
\\n-Fanfic! Go read it!
\\n-Bumi, Kya, and Tenzin hash it out
\\n-Tenzin was not aware that Aang favorited him
\\n-Aang was terrible. We offer some counseling.
\\n-Tenzin was much younger, but Aang should have known better
\\n-Marriage was a rough time for these two crazy kids
\\n-Zutara 4 eva
\\n-It is as harsh as we theorized, but we can\'t believe the show went there
\\n-Can we justify Aang\'s parenting
\\n-But they are ALL air nation people
\\n-Priorities shift, but should Katara really be left at home?
\\n-We talk about our siblings!
\\n-Kya is amazing and is someone we want to hang out with
\\n-Bumi and Aang TEARBENDING
\\n-Mitch, we really didn\'t want to talk about Korra
\\n-Ikki! The best pet names in the world
\\n-Favorite scenes.
\\n-Favorite lines.
\\nListener feedback
\\n-Natalie and Brittany tackle a long email
\\nContact us!

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\\nTwitter: @Re_Watchable
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