Episode #1 - 'Firefly': 1x01 'Serenity, Part 1

Published: March 10, 2013, 6 p.m.


The next episode of ReWatchable, Hypable\'s TV rewatch podcast, is here! Check out our review of the very first episode of Firefly, "Serenity, Part 1."
\\n-Thumbs up or thumbs down on the pilot episode? What did the newbies think so far?
\\n-Tariq wasn\'t able to join us, but he sent in his reactions. And, yes, he was sad there were no space tumbleweeds.
\\n-Favorite quotes
\\n-Is a Space Western corny or cool?
\\n-Which characters do we like? Which do we dislike?
\\n-Was the hybrid culture confusing or did it work? (Check out the website Laura mentioned for the Chinese translations right here.)
\\n-What were our first reactions to learning Inara was a Companion?
\\n-The relationships on this show are realistic and layered. Which were our favorites?
\\n-Are Mal and his crew \\u2018bad guys\\u2019?
\\n-What did we think was going to be in the box? Were we surprised?
\\n-Reavers pretty much freak us out. A lot.
\\n-Do we think Jayne would really betray Mal?
\\nListener Feedback:
\\n-How do we think Jayne answered the lawman\'s question?
\\n-A fan thanks us for doing the show, and we couldn\'t agree more when they said that although Firefly died, it didn\'t stay dead!
We want your feedback on episode 1x02 "The Train Job," which the team will be watching for the next podcast episode, which is being recorded in two weeks! Share them in the comments, email us at rewatchable.podcast@gmail.com and follow us on Twitter @Re_Watchable!