The Sacrifice that Stops God

Published: Aug. 20, 2023, midnight

From the life of Samson in Judges 13, there is a sacrifice which can stop - detain - the Lord! God longs to abide with us, to linger and stop with his children. Obed Edom stopped the presence of God by… volunteering! God was detained with and by Obed Edom and this was a blessing. Samson was a Nazarite by birth, before making the vow! Set apart to God by birth, before our own efforts or legalism, our own religion. John 1:13 the right to become children of God. God planted a seed in Samson that would liberate a whole nation. God is the seed and God is the will. He wills it, He wills us. Love in a new freedom of your Father God through this message.