Episode 85 : Firestriker (SNES)

Published: Jan. 25, 2019, 4:12 p.m.

b'A game none of us has played before (or honestly had even heard of before), Firestriker for the Super Nintendo is a weird mash-up of adventure game, pinball, and Breakout -- but does that make for a good game, or an unintelligible mess?\\xa0 Listen to find out.\\nWe also answer some listener questions on the Metal Gear series, Mario Kart 64, and memories of playing games with our families when we were younger.\\nWant to skip right to Firestriker? Start at 9:30!\\n__________________________\\nIf you enjoy this podcast, why not write a review wherever you download it from? It\'s easy, and helps people find us by accident. Find everything Retrovaniacs at http://www.retrovania.net\\nIntro song is "8-Bitter" by Subtastics, and is used with permission, mainly because Jeremy P is in that band.'