2000 Plus - Space Wreck. 500705. (retro306).

Published: March 19, 2011, 4 a.m.



The year 2370, and travel by spaceship is no longer the realm of scientists. It is now commonplace for families to take an excursion into space. Today, a space cruise ship, the Golden Star, is to blast off with it\'s variety of passengers for a luxury cruise on it\'s maiden voyage. Passengers talk about their expectations and facts about travel into space. They talk about the unique experience of being strapped in for lift off. All in all, the scenes portrayed are not too far off from a typical cruise on a se going ship.
Suddenly, disaster strikes. There may not be any icebergs floating around in space to worry about, but there is meteorites that will cause the same kind of damage. When a meteor strikes the spaceship, most of the on duty crew is dead. The captain, and a handful of passengers are all that remain. Automatic damage control has locked down the ruined parts of the ship, and the survivors try to come to grips with their fate.
Human emotions run high, and the fears of the passengers are much the same as they might be on a sea going vessel. When survivors are spotted drifting in space, heroic measures are taken to get them back to the safety of the undamaged parts of the ship. Will the space walk work? How long will the survivors be able to hold out?
The master ship in the travel line makes an appearance, and rescues the survivors. The story is shared of how they were found, and added details behind the crash that were previously unknown to the crew.
Bonus Track:
Buchanan Goodman. 1956. Flying SaucerPt 1 and 2
Note: I think the retrobots got it a little wrong in the show description in the podcast. It is announced that the air date was July 8, when it is actually July 5, 1950. I think Tom just got David a little flustered.
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