E.110 PT: 1 Triggered by your Child? What to do When Parenting Sets Us Off.

Published: July 18, 2023, 7:32 p.m.


Another exciting episode with our friend Jennifer Taun chatting in this Part 1 of 2 all about when we are feeling 'triggered' when parenting. When our children are having a rough go and we leave our 'window of tolerance' where do we go? How do we recognize it and how do we come back into our window.



Self regulation can be tough for all of us, especially when parenting. Join us in this super informative episode to learn about all the windows, where you identify and be sure to join us next week for some great tips to help us get back on track when we do go off.



As always, we'd love to see you in the FB group for our Q&A's and more tips and strategies for our day to day parenting!\\xa0





The Polyvagal Theory (Window of Tolerance)





Thanks for joining us,


Elisa and Pam


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