Today's topics:  *an update on Lights for Liberty (we're now at 689 events worldwide)

Published: July 10, 2019, 5:49 p.m.

Today's topics: 
*an update on Lights for Liberty (we're now at 689 events worldwide)
*DHS accesses state drivers license databases using facial recognition software to pursue undocumented people
*Multiple developments in Epstein's prosecution about which you should be aware
*Rachel breaks news on sexual/child abuse allegations inside the Yuma AZ detention facility
*DHS' propaganda campaign against human rights activists
*Amy McGrath is NOT, I repeat NOT, a "pro Trump democrat"-- know your sources
*Lights for Liberty news on press (last night on Cuomo and coming up), social media and other tools for your organizing efforts
*text "lights" to 977-79 to be connected with us 
*and thanks to all of the local organizers who are working so hard-- more calls to action coming tomorrow

HUGE THANKS to all our host and sponsor organizations at Lights for Liberty. Please donate to local on the ground orgs who are doing this frontline work every day. The small, unknown orgs need your support more than anyone: