06.19.2019 | Today's broadcast is dedicated to talking about Lights for Liberty, and our upcoming mass mobilization on 7/12

Published: June 19, 2019, 5:27 p.m.

Today's broadcast is dedicated to talking about Lights for Liberty, and our upcoming mass mobilization on 7/12.

Also, I discussed this OIG report about conditions in El Paso on the broadcast: https://www.cnn.com/…/ig-report-border-patrol-ca…/index.html

To learn more about Lights for Liberty: A Nationwide Vigil to End Human Detention Camps, go to www.lightsforliberty.org

Please support this broadcast if it is meaningful to you. Our team counts on your support. patreon.com/ResistanceLive

Also, our RISE Activist/Leader Bootcamp is open for registration on the 5th cohort. Class starts 7/8, all virtual. Super affordable, payment plans and scholarships are available. gaialeadershipproject.com/RISE