05.13.2019 | Today's topics: *Trump is meeting with Putin one on one at the G20; Russia announced this yesterday and the WH confirmed today *Tensions are ramping up with Iran even though something smells really fishy there

Published: May 13, 2019, 8:28 p.m.

Today's topics:
*Trump is meeting with Putin one on one at the G20; Russia announced this yesterday and the WH confirmed today
*Tensions are ramping up with Iran even though something smells really fishy there
*We're now in a trade war with China
*Sweden has reopened the rape and molestation charges for Julian Assange; what it means for extradition
*There are still a multitude of ongoing investigations into Trump and all those related to him; here's a brief rundown
*Contempt proceedings will proceed against those who defy Congressional subpoenas; we don't need impeachment proceedings to get them to comply though we do need impeachment!
*Not a fan of the "sex strike" idea
*Yes it's important that we flip the Senate, but I don't think anyone's going to drop out of the Presidential race to run for Senate right now
*There appears to be a new active measures campaign supporting the idea that it's all hopeless and that there's no point in civic participation; please be aware and remember: democracy depends on your activism
*Keep up your phone calls demanding impeachment this week, even if it feels like screaming into the wind

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