Chapter 190 - The Spider Pollinated Flowers

Published: Feb. 7, 2021, 1 p.m.

b'The party is on the run in the old sewers below Collesque as the guards are closing in. \\xa0When they are cornered the result is... surprising and confusing. \\xa0Will they escape to get Adrie and her family to the Drow enclave? \\xa0Will they get there before Arlen explodes killing them all? \\xa0\\nNew to the podcast? \\xa0You can catch up to the whole story so far in our annual Story Up to Now episode!\\nLet us know what you think!\\xa0 Rate us on iTunes, email us at, follow us @RelicofthePast on Twitter and @RelicofthePastPodcast on Facebook.\\xa0 Articles and artwork are available at'