Why Does My Spouse Love Someone Else?

Published: Jan. 12, 2022, 10 a.m.

Our culture over the years has changed dramatically. The number of people willing to participate in an affair continues to grow. More men and women are willing to participate in unfaithfulness because the thought is, "This makes us both happy. And even though I know that you're married to someone else, this was meant to be because it makes us feel good at the moment." And when you live in a culture where it's acceptable to be unfaithful to your spouse, the temptation to do so becomes much, much stronger. 

Not every single person is like that. But some single people feel so lonely and abandoned that if someone came along, that appears to fulfill their needs, they will choose to engage, even if it isn't healthy to do so. Marriage doesn't solve this problem. Even if a person is married, they might believe at the moment, "This person is just right for me." So it becomes irrelevant that either person is married. And, if the spouse involved in this wants to be involved, they're likely to lie. 

In this episode, we cover: 

  • The three different types of affairs 
  • What limerence is and how long it lasts
  • Why do some people have affairs 
  • Free Resources to save your marriage 

At Marriage Helper, we believe in helping marriages last a lifetime. Let's face it: nothing is perfect, especially not marriage. Unfortunately, 1 out of 3 marriages fails because couples wait an average of six years before seeking marriage help. We have helped save thousands of marriages, and we believe that if anything works, this will.

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