When to Let Go of a Marriage - The Dr. Joe Beam Show

Published: March 16, 2016, 2 a.m.

For many years we've been helping people salvage marriages that appeared absolutely hopeless...not only salvage their marriages but make them good again...most better than they were before.

That is why Marriage Helper exists (www.MarriageHelper.com). Our purpose is to help couples in trouble find a new way, see each other in a different light, discover a path to love again. We call it the LovePath. Most of the couples who come to our intensive three-day workshops have one spouse who wishes to save the marriage and one who wants out. Nevertheless, we witness three out of four marriages turn around and not only stay together but learn to love each other again.

However, that means that some marriages don't make it. It breaks our hearts for the spouse who wants to save the marriage...for the children who are affected...for the friends and family of both husband and wife.

We believe that any marriage can be saved. We encourage people to stand strong when their spouses stray, or are angry, mean, indifferent, cold, or any other of the hosts of hurtful behaviors. But we know that there comes a time to yield to the inevitable, to stop standing and move on with one's life. 

The question is: When? How do you know whether to let go or continue to fight for the marriage? 

In this program we provide guidelines to consider for all those who think it may be time to stop standing for their marriages. No, there aren't hard and fast rules. However, there are principles and things to consider that can help you make that decision. 

This program may give you the strength and motivation to keep on. It may give you the path to peace as you let go. We don't make that decision for you. We show you how to make it for yourself.

Call in your comments or questions live during the program at 646-378-0424.