Stages of Emotional Affairs

Published: Oct. 27, 2021, 9 a.m.

Let's talk about emotional affairs. Where do they come from? How do they happen? What stages does a person go through when they're having an emotional affair?

Typically, an emotional affair will begin with somebody who's not looking for one.

Understand that an emotional affair has to involve a deeper, emotional connection with another person. The only way we can develop a deep, emotional connection with another person that's reciprocal, between two people communicating with each other, but not just about mundane, ordinary things.  Typically, an emotional affair will begin with somebody who's not looking for one. Any positive interaction you have with another person can be the beginning of an emotional affair because the first thing that happens after that vulnerability is that you start having interactions with each other to the point that they gradually begin to cross boundaries.

There are multiple stages to an emotional affair, so let's talk about them in today's episode.


Affair Toolkit - For The Hurt Spouse

Affair Toolkit - For Help In Deciding To End An Affair

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