Infidelity - Signs Your Spouse Is Cheating

Published: Jan. 5, 2022, 1 p.m.

It never feels good to suspect your spouse is cheating on you. Cheating is a form of betrayal to your marriage and your family life. It's such a severe accusation it could disrupt the trust and foundation of your marriage, so it's essential to be 100% sure before you start raising suspicions toward your spouse. If you believe your spouse is cheating on you, pay attention to the signs before you start snooping around their things. There are signs and ways to expose infidelity without incriminating yourself to turn everything around on you. Cheating is frightening and frustrating, but if you pay attention to the changes in your relationship, it may help you determine where your marriage stands. 

In this video, we cover:

-The roadmaps to cheating


-The missing signs

-Reasons for cheating

-Behavior changes to watch out for 

-Hard conversations

-Free resources to save your marriage 

Cheating is never okay, but there may be a deeper issue involved. At Marriage Helper, we have a strong support system of coaches, ebooks, workshops, and free resources like our mini-course to point out signs and offer advice in a broken or troubled marriage. 

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At Marriage Helper, we exercise compassion and understanding to all couples and individuals we meet. We know no one is perfect, and people make mistakes. The best thing you can do is learn to become better for yourself and the people who care. 

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