Episode 108 - Restless Natives (1985)

Published: Nov. 7, 2021, 8:27 a.m.


Welcome to Reel Britannia-a very British podcast about very British movies ...with just a hint of professionalism.

Eighties Caledonian comedy this week with a tale of modern day highland highwaymen

Join Scott and Steven as they chat about Restless Natives (1985)

\\u201cA humorous tale of \'underemployed\' Scots Ronnie and Will, who live in the majestic city of Edinburgh.
Tired of having no money and tempted by the untapped wealth of the international tourists who swarm through their city, Ronnie and Will hatch a plot to achieve fame and fortune.\\u201d

\\u201cGuns are for LASSIES! Nobody seems to put the BOOT in any more!\\u201d

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Thanks for listening

Scott and Steven
