Tell City Giving Sunday (Nov. 14, 2021)

Published: Nov. 7, 2021, 10 a.m.

One of the most exciting things in the life of Redemption is our expansion into Tell City. Recently, we completed the purchase of the old Tell City Junior High School building, got the keys, and are beginning the process of getting things ready to meet. Additionally, we were able to purchase this building with no new debt — thanks to your generosity. As we move forward, we will begin a two-phase process of remodeling — with the first phase being getting the building ready for adults and kids to gather in temporary worship spaces. In the second phase, we want to finish out a more permanent worship center and children's space. Our goal is to do as much of that as possible with cash on hand and no new debt. With these things in mind, the elders and leadership of Redemption have decided all giving — at all of our locations — on Sunday, November 14 will go towards our Tell City location. We are trusting God to lead people to give generously once again. Please, spend some time praying about your role in this effort to spread the gospel in our region.