Holly Stephey Talks to Scentbird, A new way to enjoy fragrance & smell amazing!

Published: Sept. 10, 2014, 9 p.m.

b'Scentbird was born out of our frustration with the \\u201cperfume graveyard. All those scents you once loved (but got tired of wearing), all those scents you got as presents (and never really\\xa0loved) all piling up and making you feel guilty about buying a new scent.\\xa0But you love perfume! You love trying something new\\xa0or matching the scent to the season\\xa0oroccasion! New job? New man? You deserve a new scent.\\xa0Still, at around $80 a pop, it is\\xa0expensive and wasteful to\\xa0buy new perfumes when you have all those \\u201cgraveyard\\u201d\\xa0perfumes left.\\xa0Scentbird is the smart girl\\u2019s way to smelling amazing butspending smart. Just $14.95 amonth gets you a monthly supply of the perfume of your dreams. Designer and niche perfumes at your fingertips. Treat yourself to a new fragrance monthly or get your favorite;build a queue with the help of our recommender and be delighted by what you discover.\\xa0Scentbird team was inspired by Andy Warhol.\\n\\n*How it works!\\xa0- 8 ml purse spray of any fragrance of your choice (enough perfume to apply daily for a whole month) \\xa0A custom perfume atomizer to protect your perfume. Just drop the purse spray we ship you every month into the atomizer, twist to close and you are good to go! Queue from a selection of 300+ designer perfumes and monthly new arrivals. Receive a 30-day supply of the fragrance of your choice every month. Update your perfume wardrobe monthly or stick to an old favorite. A luxury perfume automizer with your first order.No hidden fees, shipping inluded with the price of membership.\\xa0"Perfumes are the feelings of flowers."- Heinrich Heine,\\xa0"Perfume is the most intense form of memory."- Jean Paul Guerlain.\\xa0\\xa0Most of your scent memories come from the first decade of your life.\\xa0The first perfume as we know it (a blend of essential oils and alcohol) was created in 1310 for Queen Elizabeth of Hungary.'