Candice Night, new solo album Starlight Starbright

Published: April 27, 2016, 9 p.m.

b'Internationally renowned singer-songwriter Candice Night, who\\xa0has just released a solo album\\xa0Starlight Starbright, inspired by motherhood and her children \\xa0\\u2014 Autumn (5 years old) and Rory (3 years old). Her husband \\u2014\\xa0legendary guitarist and Rock N\\u2019 Roll Hall Of Fame inductee Ritchie Blackmore\\xa0-- contributed guitar on this offering. Not only did Candice write songs on the album, but her daughter Autumn (who obviously absorbed her parents\\u2019 creativity) wrote the song \\u201cLullaby In The Night\\u201d (music video below), as well as several short stories included in the booklet.\\xa0\\n\\n\\n\\tA\\xa0collection of ethereal lullabies that transport the listener to a place of magic and innocence, the songs of\\xa0Starlight Starbright\\xa0have also had\\xa0a calming affect on children dealing with sensory issues, hyperactivity, and learning disabilities at several schools.'