41. "Italian Plumbers, American Colonels, and Visible Air Quotes" - Super Mario Bros. & Street Fighter

Published: Sept. 8, 2021, 2:09 p.m.

Mammia Mia! Issa video game month! Why-a do we-a do this to our-a-selves? Because of TJ's hubris, we indeed will be covering the armpit that is the video game movie adaptation genre this month, and we figured we'd let ourselves only go up from here by starting with the absolute bottom of the barrel: Super Mario Bros. and Street Fighter. It would only be more rock bottom if we *raspberry* couldn't *raspberry* understand *raspberry* your *raspberry* accent *raspberry*.  And we can barely understand Jean-Claude Van Damme's as it is! Join us as we speculate exactly how much cocaine and how few video games 90s producers had their hands on, chuckle over the abundance of fanservice, and lament how Trevor just cannot pronounce a damn character name correctly. Also HOW DARE YOU MAKE YOSHI UGLY. (TJ here. For the record, I still thought he was cute, but I was shouted down.)

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