35. "The Problematic World of WWE" - TJ Has Trevor Watch Wrestling

Published: June 2, 2021, 6 p.m.

IT'S THE TAG TEAM MATCH OF THE CENTURY! IN THIS CORNER -- yeah I don't know why I thought I could keep that up. It's Trevor, I write these, and even after being subjected to an entire evening of wrestling, that is still the extent of my knowledge of the vernacular. It's June, and we've got probably one of the wildest months planned for you all. It’s also TJ's birthday this month, and as a special treat, I have agreed to watch select matches from the wild wacky world of WWE (mostly NXT if it matters to anyone) so he can share his love with me and you all, the people who don't always get his wrestling jokes. All humor aside, enjoy this very fun and special episode full of my scary-accurate intuitions on wrestling culture, hybrid Mulaney jokes, Avatar: The Last Airbender references, debate what actually counts as a weapon, and us heaping piles of dung onto Vince McMahon. (Not unlike the time they did that in 2006. Yes, they actually did that. -TJ).

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