Recovery Literature - Recovered 1134

Published: Jan. 13, 2021, 1:34 a.m.

Using books, literature, and other texts as part of a recovery program and are a known intervention for both substance abuse and depression. You may have experienced a moment where you identified with the main character in a story and empathetically experienced their joy when they conquered their obstacle. Or maybe you read a poem and thought to yourself that you could have written the words yourself—that’s how much they meant to you.

When struggling with addiction, it can also be helpful to read the stories of those who’ve already embarked on their recovery journeys. Following their path into sobriety can be cathartic, and can bring a newfound sense of hope about the future. Narratives told by peers can be especially helpful here, because they show that recovery is possible, and for many, that’s the first step in imagining what their own recovery might look like.

Tonight, we talk about Recovery Literature.