Ep 42: Is the recruitment industry ready to fully embrace AI?

Published: Oct. 21, 2020, 7:46 a.m.

The recent crisis was a catalyst that accelerated tech adoption across our sector and many others. But how can we take tech innovation beyond video conferencing and online candidate screening?

We spoke to PwC UK's Director of AI and REC2020 keynote panellists Rob McCargow to learn more about the advantages of automation and AI in recruitment. Tune in to our latest podcast to hear about:

•PwC UK's AI journey
•Application of AI in recruitment
•Impact of tech on onboarding
•The role of technology in making good work happen
•Using data to innovate and drive value
•Advice for agency owners on getting started with AI

Catch Rob's REC2020 talk here: www.rec.uk.com/rec2020lessons