Welcome to the Real Estate Marketing Minute

Published: June 14, 2018, 3:46 a.m.

Welcome to the first episode of the Real Estate Marketing Minute, by Agent Sauce, I'm Adam Small. Over the years we've worked with thousands of real estate agents, and on the recurring themes that we see is that real estate agents really want to do content marketing, they know they should be doing content marketing, but they don't really know what to do with content marketing. What sort of content they should be putting out. So with the Real Estate Marketing Minute, what we're going to do, is put out a couple videos week, and give you ideas and tips on what kind of content to put out, and how to put it out there, where to put it, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, that sort of thing, social media, blog and all that.

                                    And we're going to take two different tracks with it. One is going to be a technical track, and then the other is going to be a hyper local track. That way we're demonstrating your expertise as well as highlighting your knowledge of the local areas too. So it's going to be a two-fold track, sometimes we're going focus solely on the hyper local stuff, and talk about restaurants, and reviews and events, and then other times we're going to talk about some of the really in depth technical stuff about buying a home, selling a home, or all the other things that are involved in that.

                                    And through this, as you follow along with us, we're going to develop a really nice library of content for your website, and social media presences that really highlight what a great asset you are to any potential buyer or seller. With that being said, our first task for you this week is going to by hyper local. It's going to be a restaurant review.

                                    So we want you to go out and pick a restaurant to review, one that you like, in the area that you want to work in, and go to it, take pictures of the outside, take pictures of your food, take note of how great the food is, what the service is like, as well as highlight the stuff around that restaurant. Make sure that you talk about how walkable it is, or what's in the areas that makes it more than just a one-and-done event, like going to the restaurant, and then you could go for a walk afterwards, and see the sights, check out this canal or something along those lines, to really highlight why that restaurant, in particular, is a great place to go and how you can do a lot more than just sit and eat.

                                    So that's your task for this week, do a great restaurant review. Thanks for watching. Don't forget to click add, subscribe, like us, that sort of thing. If you want to learn more you can check us out at agentsauce.com or contact us at info@agentsauce.com.