Weekly Round Up - Making Friends and Referrals

Published: Feb. 6, 2019, 10 a.m.

Hi guys. Welcome back to the Real Estate Marketing Minute. So glad you're here with us today. We're doing a weekly roundup and this is for the week of February 10th through the 16th. Next week we've got a few wacky holidays coming up. On the 11th, it's National Make a Friend Day. Then on the 14th we've got two wacky holidays and one normal holiday. So the two wacky holidays on the 14th are National Ferris Wheel Day and then the other is National Organ Donor Day. And of course the regular holiday is Valentine's Day.

So let's not, let's make sure not to forget to get cards and candies and flowers and stuff for all of our loved ones out there. And have some fun with the other wacky holidays out there. So another thing I'd remind you to do is go ask for some referrals. Pick five or six people from your list and touch base with them and say, "Hey. You know I'd really appreciate it if you know anybody and send over somebody for me to talk to about buying or selling a home."

This has been your weekly roundup from the Real Estate Marketing Minute. If you like what you see don't forget to click Like and/or Subscribe to us. Thanks for watching guys. We'll see you next time.