Weekly Round Up - Chopsticks, Pizza and Testimonials

Published: Jan. 31, 2019, 10 a.m.

Hello and welcome back to the Real Estate Marketing Minute. I'm your host Adam Small. So, this is gonna be a weekly roundup for the week of February 3rd through the 9th, and we've got three wacky holidays next week, one of them being Thank a Mail Person Day and then National Chopstick Day and National Pizza Day. Thank a Mail Person Day is on the 4th of February next week and guys, it's been super cold and I know that they canceled the mail delivery for much of the Midwest here and a lot of other areas, so the mail people aren't out in this weather today, but they're gonna be out probably tomorrow and the day after. They were open today, so maybe it's a good time to find a nice way to thank them.

Do a social media post, remind other people to do it, but maybe put a nice note in the mailbox for them. That sort of thing. So, especially with this cold weather. As a side note, I hope all of you guys are warm and that there's nothing going on, no frozen pipes or busted windows or anything like that, because of the extreme cold. Then, we've got Chopsticks Day is on the 6th and National Pizza Day is on the 9th. So, you can have some fun with that. Maybe try to eat pizza with chopsticks. That would be entertaining, to say the least. Make sure you video that, put that out on your social channels as well. Have some fun with that. So, those are your wacky holidays. That's your weekly roundup. One other thing is we are toward the end of one month and the beginning of a new month. Why don't you go back and look at all of those people that you did transactions with last week or last month, and ask them for testimonials.

Just send them a quick email. Say, "Hey, you mind leaving me a testimonial?" If you have a service that you use like Agent Sauce or some other service. Provide them the link to leave that testimonial so that you always have it in a database. Don't just ask the people that you did transactions with from a consumer perspective. If you worked with other agents, ask them to leave you a recommendation or a testimonial as well. Just build up that library of testimonials both on a business to business perspective and a business to consumer perspective. So, that has been your weekly roundup from the Real Estate Marketing Minute. If you like what you see and what you're hearing, don't forget to click like and/or subscribe, or follow us on our podcast. Thanks for watching and have a great day.