Seniors, Waffles and 6 Month Follow Up | Real Estate Marketing Minute

Published: Aug. 15, 2018, 3:55 p.m.

Hello, and welcome to the Real Estate Marketing Minute. This is the weekly roundup for the week of August 19 through 25th. This week we've got on our calendar two wacky holidays: one being National Senior Citizen day, and that is on the 21st of August, and the other one is National Waffle Day on the 24th of August. So, you know, go ahead, put some memes out there, find something appropriate there, maybe tag some of your friends that are senior citizens, or love waffles, for that matter, and get those out on your social media to drive some social interactions, some engagement there.

Then, we are coming toward the end of summer now, and about six months ago or so the season started to pick up. Chances are good that you have a bunch of leads that you followed up with then that weren't quite ready to commit to either buying or selling, so now would actually be a great time to go back through all the leads that you generated, identify those that you followed up with then but haven't talked to since then, and just give them a call and see if they need help. See if they did actually buy or sell and, if not, what you can do to kind of help them along the way.

So, that's been our weekly roundup for the Real Estate Marketing Minute. Thanks for watching, and have a great day.