Look Forward to Eternity with Jesus

Published: April 9, 2020, 7 a.m.

From the first day the Savior called him to leave his nets, John longed for a deeper friendship with the Lord. To his delight, Jesus invited him into his closest circle of friends and shared with him moments of brightest glory, and deepest grief. John was there when Jesus returned to heaven, and heard with his own ears the promise that He would come back again. [Acts 1:11] Contrary to rumors popular at the time, John knew he might die before that great coming. But each day of his long life he held onto the promise that Jesus would come, and the possibility it could be that very day. Some mornings, John must have scanned the skies, searching for a glimpse of that glorious brightness he had seen once before. One morning, he did see the Lord’s glory again—not transported by the Lord’s return, but by the Lord’s Spirit [Revelation 1:9-19]. What unfolded before John’s aged and amazed eyes became his desire and ours as his heart burst out, “O, come, Lord Jesus, come!” The exclamation point of heaven, after all, isn’t just the streets of gold. Instead, it’s the reality that God dwells with men [Revelation 21:3]. Like the apostle John, let’s look forward to eternity with Jesus. I sure do! This is Luis Palau.