Joyfully Proclaim

Published: March 27, 2020, 7 a.m.

Over the decades my Dad has drummed certain words and phrases into our team. One of the most important is simply: Proclaim! Not just preach, but proclaim. It has all the force and freshness of an authoritative announcement of Good News, which is precisely what the Gospel is. Proclaiming the Gospel doesn’t mean walking around with a sermon prepped and stuffed into your back pocket. It’s much simpler than that. It’s just talking about the Good News. It’s simply saying, in effect: “God loves you, He has a plan for your life. If you are honest enough to repent and believe, you will be forgiven and become a child of God. He will never leave you, He will live within you, and when you die, you will go to heaven.” That’s a really good deal. Why not proclaim it? It is not your job to brilliantly persuade, merely to joyfully present. We start out lost. Each of us needs to let our heavenly Father find us. This Good News can change the world. Are you sharing it with others? Begin to joyfully present the transforming power of the life-changing Gospel of Jesus Christ today. This is Andrew Palau.