God’s Ocean of Grace

Published: April 10, 2020, 7 a.m.

Thank God His grace isn’t “fair.” Like the thief on the cross next to Jesus, none of us deserve God’s grace. That’s why grace is grace–God’s unmerited favor. Yes, it goes against all sense of “fairness” that such a thief could get heaven after living in open rebellion against God all his life. Then again, the words of Jesus leave no doubt: “I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise.” Feel the authority? With the power that upholds the universe, Jesus assures a legally convicted, admitted criminal of eternal life. As it does today, that assurance of salvation rested in the unbreakable promise of God–not man’s fickleness–based on the Savior’s substitutionary work on the cross. God forgives anyone who has committed blatant sins, whatever they may be, if that person truly repents. God’s grace is ultimate generosity, love without limits. In those agonizing moments of Grace lifted up from the earth, a criminal repented of unbelief and rebellion. Before the day ended, he joined Jesus in paradise. Though it wouldn’t be fair, having squandered so much, prodigal America has never needed grace more. Thank God, there’s no bottom to God’s ocean of grace. This message of grace is the message that we can use to reach our world.     This is Andrew Palau.