David was Homeless

Published: Feb. 27, 2020, 8 a.m.

Many Bible heroes experienced homelessness. Moses. Ruth. Even Jesus. David too was homeless for years while on the run from King Saul. Yet in every psalm David penned during those trying times, he reaffirmed his faith in the Lord. Later David penned more psalms saying God delights in raising up the humble and righteous to positions of honor. First, God will cause them to inherit the land and enjoy great peace [Psalm 37:11]. Likewise, the Lord will grant them blessings and prosperity (Psalm 65:9-13]. Second, God’s people may have to go through much adversity, but eventually they will enjoy great abundance [Psalm 66:10-12]. He withholds no good thing from those whose walk is blameless [Psalm 84:11]. He bestows honor upon them [Psalm 113:7-9] and crowns them with salvation [Psalm 149:4]. David himself experienced this. At one point, he asked the Lord, “Give me a sign of your goodness” [Psalm 86:17]. Then at just the right moment God made David the nation’s new king, and he and his people enjoyed unprecedented prosperity and peace. No matter what, let’s never forget that God delights in honoring the humble and righteous. See people the way God sees them. This is Luis Palau.