The Use Of Force

Published: April 27, 2015, 7:29 p.m.

Did you know that the way a police officer or security agent dresses is considered a Use of Force? Yes! This is true! The announcement that his attire makes creates an emotion in the free citizens that see him so this is a Use of Force. An officer in tactical riot gear with a nightstick, shotgun, and dog is using a stronger “presence” of force than the officer directing traffic in a button up shirt, slacks and soft soled shoes. Even the use of a police siren and lights is a Use of Force. COPS! SECURITY! BOUNCER! BODYGUARD!… What emotions did these words cause in you? Do you feel fear & intimidation or comfort and safety? What are your thoughts on the position of authority figures and their Use of Force with citizens today? Is it an officer’s job to control American citizens like military officers controlling foreigners in a foreign country? Is it their job to direct American citizens like a daycare worker directing children? Or, is it their job to respect American citizens as their brothers of this land? What way would you like to see law enforcement, security and bouncers use force towards free American citizens? When it comes to bouncers, venue owners hire bigger bullies to bully the bullies in their venue. Even though this may seem to be a good temporary fix it usually backfires leading to the loss of good customers, unnecessary injuries, lawsuits and sometimes even deaths. There are even moments when the overzealous and untrained bouncer gets into disagreements with the owner and physically turns on him. Most bouncers today have no idea of what Use of Force even means and receive no type of proper guidance or training before being plunged into the job of protecting humans who are congested in a confined area while inebriated. Where you initially trained to perform the job that is your career today or, were you just thrown into your duties? No person can perform a job correctly without proper training but this is a norm for bouncers and many security officers who are expected to control uncontrollable patrons where a proper Use of Force is important. When it’s time to sub-due or restrain an out of line patron, what tested and approved sub-dueing technique is going to be used? When a bouncer or security personnel has to defend his or herself against a team of upset, drunken college wrestlers, what self-defense strategies will they implement? Believe it or not but MOST bouncers and security personnel couldn’t answer this question with a sensible, non tough guy answer. Police work has existed and helped to keep America safe for many years. However, during its term of operation it has been accused by many citizens to have been used neglectfully to intimidate, oppress, abuse and even kill citizens. Today uproar is spreading across the U.S. in regards to police officers abusing their authority and over reacting towards citizens with extreme Use of Force? Are today’s police undertrained, over worked and no longer respected? Or have citizens lost their sense of care towards their protectors, converting them into abandoned trained dogs who can find comfort only in looking out for themselves and each other? As a retired bouncer & bodyguard I have personally been in numerous life and death situations that would have left me and many others dead or seriously injured if I had not been trained properly. My proper Use of Force, restraining techniques, self-defense tactics and even sense of humor have turned lethal incidents into child’s play most of the time allowing all parties involved to walk away uninjured and with no plans of later retaliation. Training is key to a proper Use of Force! The Bouncer… The Security Guard! The Police Officer can all be better servants when they are trained to be calm under pressure and explosive when needed. But as we citizens make our judgments on the Use of Force of police officers, bouncers and security guards we need to keep two questions in mind. #1. Do we want police officers to feel as if they have to use unnecessary force on unarmed citizens? #2. Do we want police officers afraid to use deadly force on criminals who need to be handled in that manner? Well the way that we respond to and treat them can have a powerful affect on the way that our figures of authority treat criminals and us. Listen to this LifeFight segment, Use of Force so I can take you into what a bouncer, security agent and/or police officer has to experience on a daily basis. Gain an idea of what they experience and even hear stories regarding the treatment that I have received from police officers during my younger years. In this segment I will dissect the training that I provide for bouncers, security and police, and how it can help to solve some of today's disputes between authority and citizens. The position of any authority figure in America is that of a servant to the people. Use of Force will educate you so you will have a better understanding of what should be expected of our authority figures, and would should be expected of us towards them. Because a society that is against its own protectors is a society destined for doom. YOU and I are the first and last step in assuring that we keep our country strong and righteous. Sincerely, Jermaine Andre’