Published: Oct. 23, 2014, 5:30 a.m.

"The suspicion of Law enforcement is perhaps the biggest challenge that must be overcome." TODAY ON GOING BEYOND… Chris Krehmeyer with Reverend Traci Blackmon, Pastor at Christ the King United Church of Christ in Florissant, MO. A deeper conversation about Ferguson with Pastor Traci in the remainder of this 2-part series. Pastor Traci is on the frontline concentrating on helping the families and friends of those who have been affected by the terrible events in Ferguson and St. Louis. There are several voluntary neighborhood groups starting to form to help keep the area safe from both themselves and the law enforcement personnel. In the same sense pro-active movements from residents are starting to gather momentum. The portrayal of Fergusson by the mainstream media has been less then fair to the area as a whole. The tragic death of Michael Brown may have been the event that brought the St. Louis area to national and international attention, but the real issues underlying are long standing and deep rooted in racial disparity. The importance of how an African American should have at the very least an expectation and assurance that they can walk and move freely around without expecting unwarranted harassment from the law enforcement community. The true power of the community is in peoples vote and its important to let the elected officials know that they work for the people, and are answerable to the people. Information needs to be presented in a manner that everybody can understand, not just the elite few. How churches and community organizations in St. Louis need to have a concerted effort into convincing people to vote in elections. Pastor Traci through a website – prayingwithourfeet.org – is determined to stop the African American people of Fergusson and St. Louis being just heard solely in the media – but also being a force to be reckoned with in the polls at election time.