ETHINKSTL 145: Jeremy Goss | LinkMarket

Published: Oct. 23, 2019, 4:35 p.m.

ETHINKSTL 145: Jeremy Goss | LinkMarket [Season 12, Episode 01] Joining us today is Dr. Jeremy Goss, Founder, Chairman and CEO of The Link Market. Jeremy is an advocate for low-income communities on issues related to food justice, hunger and health. Upon graduating from St. Louis University School of Medicine, Jeremy took notice to the fact that healthy food options were not available to certain communities in the St. Louis Region. Jeremy's frustration turned into a life changing idea for many St. Louis residents. In this episode: Jeremy discusses the challenges he faced upon his arrival here in St. Louis and how he began to tackle poverty and inequality in the region and how he turned the art of science and healing to a reality for a city that so badly needed it. Jeremy talks about how he reached out to his peers in the medical community to help research how he could best fill the void in the food deserts of of St. Louis and the next steps he took to make his idea take form. Jeremy discusses his very own experience with racism within his own team and the challenges he faced as an out-ofstate entrepreneur. Jeremy talks about the training program set up specifically centered around the community each Link Market serves. Learn More: Email: Company Website: Company Facebook: