Published: May 2, 2014, 9:43 p.m.

Some say talk is cheap, but it can’t afford to be when it comes to money and relationships. In this edition of The Community, discover the importance of Budgeting for Couples. Dorothy Bell and Jaison McCall get real with a real tough topic to talk about. Whether you plan to buy a house, start a family or function as a drama-free a family unit, how you manage your money can mean the difference between living a life of stress and one filled with happiness. Today you will learn: - How to have a real conversation about your finances? - Why should couples budget? - 56% of all marriages end in divorce and over 70% of those who file for divorce indicate finances as a primary reason. - What is the role of personal finances in relationships? - How to be open and honest about your spending. -How to make certain we are on the same page. - Everyone doesn’t need to share an account. And that’s okay. - How to talk to children about money. If you don’t communicate and teach how to handle money, they’ll repeat what they see. - All things that need to be planned. - What is impulse buying? - What is money memory? - The importance of planning and saving for a wedding - How to deal with past financial blunders. - Tips to budget effectively in relationships. - How to get your financial house in order. - Why is it essential to get a copy of your credit report. - Why we MUST always save for something. The process of saving for something will allow you to appreciate it more. - Why you should make a date to discuss your budget. - The value of regular family meetings. - Strategies like keeping goals in a common area (i.e. kitchen). - Why you should also plan for milestones. - The goal to get a savings plan and stick to it. - Tip: Plan for the unexpected. -SLCCU offers affordable lending options for those times when you may need a little lift. For example, qualified members can borrow up to $15,000 without collateral with a Works for Me loan, with repayment terms up to 60 months. The loans we make not only help our members, but they also support the community. By doing business with us, you help St. Louis Community Credit Union provide branches in underserved communities, affordable products and services, as well as free financial education to those who need it. Schedule free one-on-one coaching at the CU Center with your partner. The CU Excel Center is located at 95 North Oaks Plaza, St. Louis, MO 63121, nestled in the northeast corner of the North Oaks Shopping Plaza (intersection of Natural Bridge and Lucas and Hunt). For more information or to sign up for a class, call our Financial Literacy Hotline at (314) 385-1586, or send an e-mail to