Setting Up An Amazon Workspace With .Net 2.0 Features

Published: March 29, 2018, 8 p.m.

I use AWS to set up a workspace for a legacy application that requires done at framework 2.0 to be installed, which is not there by default. So the first six minutes or so of this podcast episode will get you through the basic workspace set up and then you're good to go for most things, but if you using the Legacy application that asks a special needs like mine then I run through adding those features and installing a couple patches that are necessary for things like visual Foxpro based applications or arcgis desktop. There's several pauses in this recording, my apologies, but wall this took me a little bit over an hour to complete I paused it during most of the downtime, so it should be easier to listen to then if I had done it live or on real time.