Python Dev Kit On Humble Bundle

Published: May 3, 2018, 12:13 a.m.

I take a minute, or 9, and talk about the current python development bundle that is available through Humble Bundle (a service that I really like for ebooks). (this is my affiliate link to this bundle) Improve your python development skills with a new software bundle. Get Egghead.IO, Postman pro, pycharm professional Edition, and more great resources (including books and videos, too). Go ahead, pick up this bundle and see what develops! Write pythonic code like a seasoned developer Pycharm professional Edition Illustrated guide to learning Python 3 Python jumpstart by building 10 apps GitKraken Pro: Git client + glo boards Thoughtful machine learning with python Mastering pycharm Digitalocean $50 credit Python tricks: a buffet of awesome python features PyUp Egghead.IO Fluent python Postman Pro