Humble Book Bundle: Microsoft & .Net by Apress

Published: April 3, 2019, 10:31 a.m.
1. C# 7 quick syntax reference - a pocket guide to the language, APIs, and library (2nd edition)
2. Visual studio code distilled evolved code editing for Windows, Mac OS, and Linux
3. Microsoft computer vision APIs distilled - getting started with cognitive services
4. Beginning Xamarin development for the Mac - create iOS, watchOS, and Apple TVOS apps with Xamarin.iOS and visual studio for Mac
5. Modern API design with core 2 - building cross platform back end systems

6. CosmosDB for mongoDB developers - migrating to azure cosmos DB and using the mongo DB API
7. Modern data access with .net framework core - database programming techniques for .net, .Net core, UWP, and Xamarin with c sharp
8. Azure and Xamarin forms - cross platform mobile development
9. Beginning Entity Framework core 2.0 - database access from .net - work directly with data through domain specific objects methods
10. Developing bots with Microsoft bots frame work - create intelligent bots using MS bot 10. framework and user cognitive services
11. Essential docker for core MVC
12. Pro c sharp 7 - with .net and .net core (8th edition)

13. Hardening Azure applications - techniques and principles for building large scale mission critical applications (2nd edition)
14. Beginning XML with c sharp 7 - XML processing and data access for c sharp developers (second addition)
15. Modern algorithms for image processing - computer imagery by example using c#
16. Xamarin.forms solutions
17. Deep learning with azure - building and deploying artificial intelligence solutions on the Microsoft AI platform
18. IoT, AI, and block chain for .net - building a next generation application from the ground up
19. Practical bot development - designing and building bots with node.js and Microsoft bot framework
20. Introducing Microsoft teams - understanding the new chat based workspace in office 365

Charity: Dress for Success