Humble Book Bundle: Learn You Some Code By No Starch Press

Published: Sept. 28, 2018, 11:37 a.m.

It be time to learn you some stuff with us bundle from no starch press. Get ebooks like python crash course, learn you a Haskell for great good!, And more. Plus, your purchase will support you some charity!

Automate the boring stuff with python: practical programming for total beginners
The Linux command line: a complete introduction
The big book of F#: Breaking Free with managed functional programming
Learn Java the easy way: a Hands-On up introduction to programming
Perl one-liners: 130 programs that get things done
No starch sampler

Ruby under a microscope: an illustrated guide to Ruby internals
Learn you some erlang for great good!: A beginner's guide
Learn you a Haskell for great good!: A beginner's guide
Clojure for the Brave and true: learn the ultimate language and become a better programmer
Land of lisp: learn to program is lisp, one-game-at-a-time!

Python crash course: a Hands-On, project-based introduction to programming
Python playground: geeky projects for the Curious programmer
Think like a programmer: introduction to creative problem solving
The book of r: a first course in programming and statistics
Wicked cool shell Scripts: 101 scripts for Linux, OS X, and Unix systems (2nd edition)