The Story of the Neighborhood Church That Could: An Interview with Sam Rainer

Published: Aug. 22, 2023, 10 a.m.

\\nSam Rainer takes a different role in this podcast as Thom interviews him about the remarkable story of West Bradenton Baptist Church, a neighborhood church that is making a big difference in its community.
\\n \\t
\\n \\tHow did you end up in Bradenton, Florida?
\\n \\t
\\n \\tWhat has kept you at the church even as other churches came calling?
\\n \\t
\\n \\tWhy do you call the church, "A Neighborhood Church for the Nations"?
\\n \\t
\\n \\tYou have demonstrated incredible tactical patience at West B. Have you had periods of discouragement or frustration?
\\n \\t
\\n \\tTell us about the relationship between pastoral tenure and victories at West B.
\\n \\t* \\u201cExtraordinary Hearing: Preparing Your Soul to Hear from God\\u201d by Greg Pruett
\\n \\t* Tyndale House Publishers
\\n \\t* California Baptist University Pre-College Credit
\\n \\tGet your FREE eBook, 5 Generosity Megatrends
\\n \\t\\u201cThe Surprising Return of the Neighborhood Church\\u201d by Sam Rainer
\\n \\t* West Bradenton Baptist Church
\\n \\t* The Hope Initiative
\\n \\t* Get your FREE tool! Attendance Growth Projector
\\n \\t* Check out the Church Answers Christian bookstore! Shop curated, trusted resources for Christian life and ministry.
\\nEpisode Sponsors:
\\nExtraordinary Hearing: Preparing Your Soul to Hear from God by Greg Pruett
\\n\\u201cGreg Pruett is a man of absolute integrity and faith; a modern-day Elijah. . . . His passion is contagious. You will love his heart, his words, and his wisdom.\\u201d\\u2014Max Lucado
\\nWhat if you could hear God speaking? What di\\ufb00erence would that make in your life?
\\nYou don\\u2019t have to wonder if God still speaks. He reveals Himself to everyone, without exception. The difference between God\\u2019s people and all other people scattered over the face of the earth is this: When God speaks, His people listen.
\\nJoin Greg Pruett as he teaches you how to develop extraordinary hearing\\u2014discernible guidance from God in your day-to-day life, based on the leading of the Holy Spirit within you. He\\u2019ll offer answers to your questions about prayer and discernment, such as:
\\n \\t
\\n \\t* How can I tell if it\\u2019s really God speaking?
\\n \\tDoes God still communicate with us the way He did with people in the Bible?
\\n \\tHow can I hear Him more clearly when I pray? What can I do to learn to listen?
\\nExtraordinary Hearing gives practical, biblical insights on how to pray and how to hear from God that will help unleash the power of prayer in your life.

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